I'm Gabrielle McGee and understanding human behaviour is what makes me tick.I am a psychotherapist and coaching expert who specialises in transformation. Transformation means being able to live fully, authentically and free from fear. Strength, healing, action, results; these are what I stand for.I believe that everyone is fundamentally whole and complete. Often childhood conditioning and trauma can hold us back from our own potential. I empower people to live from a space of possibility, not suffering, so they can take powerful breakthroughs that lead to success.
BOOK A FREE 1-1 WITH ME.I developed The Human Breakthrough Method - my unique therapeutic approach - over 30+ years of practice in this space. Native to Ireland, I spent many years in London and now offer individual therapy, seminars and retreats to people across the globe.
"I never thought I could be so excited by my own life, I'm beyond grateful."
"Gabrielle's guidance has led me to see where i've been stuck - i'm not afraid to take decisions for my life any more."
- Psychology
- Gestalt and Humanistic Psychotherapy
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Somatic Therapy
- Transformational Coaching
The Human Breakthrough Method is fully accredited by the ACCPH